Did you know?

2 min readMay 31, 2019

The number of macOS installations (previously OS X) has increased by a factor of 3.7 over the last decade according to statcounter’s GlobalStats.

While Windows market share went down from 95% to below 80% already!

Source: http://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/worldwide/#monthly-200905-201905


We don’t know for sure. Maybe it’s a (gradual) worldwide shift towards quality. Although some would argue against this in regard to specific technical aspects (and in some cases they would actually be right), most people think that Apple products — including Macs — are the best, overall.

A revolution

This might be the perfect time for you, dear Windows app developer, to evolve. Targeting macOS is not as difficult as you might think (especially with the latest versions of Swift programming language), and it might soon become a must. You should definitely make your high quality products available on Macs as well, and rather earlier than later.

(Or, if you’re a Web developer, consider developing native apps too: often a generic browser is just not reliable enough.)

This book, written by Stuart Grimshaw with both professionalism and contemporary pragmatism — plus a bit of humor too — might be the best start for learning Cocoa development for newcomers. We truly, highly recommend it, regardless of its only-3-star Amazon (current) rating.

And if you want to shoot iOS as well — since Apple’s mobile platform is also very high in all stats and, as you could guess, it shares a very thick development foundation with Macs — consider following an advanced Cocoa Touch programming guide too, and get ready for more!

